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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Gotcha! by Eldon Taylor - a Book Review

I have just read a book called Gotcha! The Subordination of Free Will by New York Times best selling author, Eldon Taylor, that has only just been published. It is an illuminating look into the question of who really is controlling our life, our mind, and everything around us. The author, at the same time, dares us to start asking questions about our decisions, and where we are heading.

Eldon Taylor shouts out a wake up call to everyone to take a stand against the coming tyranny of megalithic companies and the psychopathic elite at the top of the pyramid of madness. These companies, and the elite that seem to somehow get elected to Government, and who also own the companies, would love to create a slave race. They, of course, would always remain at the top of this pyramid.

They desire to create a two-tier society. That's them at the top, and us, that's you and me, as their slaves at the bottom. You don't get to join this satanic elite unless you have the correct family name, belong to the correct secret society, or will happily submit to very strange and deadly satanic rituals. Being mega-rich helps too.

Conspiracy theorists have been warning us for decades of this fast coming tyranny, but have been laughed at by the so-called intelligentsia for far too long. Eldon Taylor, with the publication of his best selling book, Gotcha!, shines a beacon on a path for the every-man to finally follow and find the truth for themselves. Maybe, just maybe, those conspiracy theorists have been right all along. The question is - have you been listening?

Folks, we are being constantly manipulated and herded like cattle into situations and lifestyles not of our own making or desire. We are, and have been for far too long, being played for fools. This is all being done to benefit an extraordinarily small segment of society called the elite, or the mega-rich, who, by their very nature, are psychopaths. They don't give a damn, as long as they get what they want. Welcome to your brave new world!

I highly recommend this book to everyone and feel it should be taught from in schools.

Wake up sheeple!

Gotcha! The Subordination of Free Will is published by R.K.Books, and should be available from all good book retailers, both offline and online.

Eldon Taylor can be found here:

This book is dedicated:

"To all who seek a free mind"

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